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Engineering | Water and Environmental Technology Center (WET)

Water & Environmental Technology Center Mission Statement

Human societies have eternally been associated with sources of water. These waterways bear witness to the everlasting story of human struggle and success, and also show the scars of human plight at the hands of nature. The quality and quantity of water used in a society truly reflects its evolutionary stage. In the 21st century water quality will be a paradigm of social and industrial development.

The National Science Foundation Water & Environmental Technology Center at Arizona State University was established to promote scientific research that will ensure the quality of water by pooling the resources of the university and industry. The Center’s research program addresses the following areas:

1. Molecular tracking of microorganisms in the environment
2. Taste and odor
3. Biofilm formation and pathogen intrusion in distribution systems
4. Disinfection by product formation and control
5. Modeling and removal of contaminants in the environment
Fate and treatment of fuel-related chemicals
Fate and treatment of nitrogen (e.g., nitrate) in water
Natural attenuation
Hydrogeologic modeling
6. Characterization of Natural Organic Matters (NOM/DOM)
7. Ground water recharge (surface application and aquifer storage and recovery)
8. Environmental public health/air quality

WET Director, Morteza Abbaszadegan, Arizona State University

WET Director, Morteza Abbaszadegan,
Arizona State University