Member Benefits

Member benefits
- Prestigious association with the Arizona State University, National Science Foundation, and the Water & Environmental Technology Center.
- University interactions with industry provide credibility with the general public.
- There are only 10% indirect costs on membership fees, whereas University overhead is usually 52.5%.
- Voting rights on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) allow industry members to influence research areas.
- Positively affect water quality at the local, national, or international level.
- There are little or no WET Center administrative costs, thus, all money is directed toward research.
- The membership fee is a tax deductible business expense.

Member requirements
WET Center members are private companies, industrial firms, federal, state, and local government and nongovernmental agencies.
There are 3 levels of membership:
- Full Membership fees are $30,000 annually, which includes member representation on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB).
- Enhanced Associate Membership fees are $10–15K with IAB representation.
- Associate Membership fees are $3,000 annually with IAB representation.
Voting on IAB Board at all levels is based on membership fee with $3k = 10 votes.